about the company

a place to create unique and innovative solutions in order to lead the economy to success with fun and joy
you’ll see the difference!

Who is behind M*I*S*T

With more than 20 years of experience in development, marketing and sales.
I became an expert in the development of innovative and complex system solutions for B2B markets.
With my good understanding of customer processes / workflow I am able to design user-friendly solutions.
Rolf Meßmer

Managing Director , M*I*S*T - Meßmer Innovation Services & Technology GmbH

Why M*I*S*T

proven track record
several solution projects in broadcast and healthcare
from news station over operating theatre up to innovative patients distraction solution
20+ years of experience

not only limited to EU zone

medical / healthcare experience

operation theatre up to hospital wide workflows

broadcast / media experience

news & sport network productions workflow incl. archiving

user focused workflow enhancer

user needs translated into a workflow oriented solution

technology translator
bringing new technology closer to the user
Convinces that XR (VR/AR) is a means to sustainably improve future working methods.